The Fareham Club are pleased to announce that they are helping out the other F&DMRC – our neighbours at Farnham – who have had to make a few short notice changes to their exhibition line up for the 9th & 10th October. Nictun Borrud was in the process of having its platforms resurfaced but Elliott has worked overtime this last week and the layout will be appearing at Alderwood Leisure Centre in Aldershot. Do say hi to us if you come!
2021 AGM
This was the first AGM that the club has held under our new constitution of Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO).
As required by the charity commission, new trustees were elected to serve a minimum of one year. The club has opted to elect 4 four people to the trustee position.
In addition, the new committee was also elected, and we were able to fill all the positions required.
Twenty-one members attended the meeting with several apologies. The membership secretary reported that we now have a membership of approximately fifty, and several new people have shown an interest in joining.
The treasurer reported that the club’s finances were in a healthy position and that although members had been offered a subscription holiday last year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, most members continued to pay their annual subscription. The chairman commented that this was greatly appreciated.
RailEx 2021
It is with regret that due to the ongoing crisis with COVID-19 and the latest position from the UK Government, we have had to cancel the exhibition that was scheduled for 2021.
However, please keep an eye on the RailEx Page as we are in the early stages of planning RailEx 2022.